Friday, February 5, 2010

Clp Cleaning Kits Break Free CLP For Cleaning A Glock Handgun?

Break Free CLP for cleaning a glock handgun? - clp cleaning kits

I took a tour of a few hundred by now clean my weapon and his time. I'm clean skeptical about the use of something to the plastic, because I do not know if something is damaged, and I do not take the risk. BreakFree CLP can be used?


gentlewo... said...

BreakFree-CLP is safe to firearms in parts of use of polymer.

Yes, use okay in his Glock.

Glock does not have a gun, which melts when a person is a demand for copper and oil powder makes solvents or parts cannon.
If an exposure against Glock, with products for the maintenance of weapons, be bad for future sales Glock, eh would?

Chris said...

Break-Free CLP is excellent, but most of the weapons solvent cleaning are very good on a Glock. He warned that immersion is Sweets 7.62 or something like it all. If you have only the solid material safe, clean thoroughly. When you clean all the grease points that need a little bit, select the manual and a drop to say.

Chris said...

Break-Free CLP is excellent, but most of the weapons solvent cleaning are very good on a Glock. He warned that immersion is Sweets 7.62 or something like it all. If you have only the solid material safe, clean thoroughly. When you clean all the grease points that need a little bit, select the manual and a drop to say.

Don Q said...

Hoppes # 9 damage using composite materials

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