Who should I pick up for a backup TE while Clark is injured? - david smith and tony roma
Donte Rosario
David Martin
Robert Royal
Bo Scaife
LJ Smith
Tony Scheffler
John Carlson
Who should I pick up for a backup TE while Clark is injured? - david smith and tony roma
Donte Rosario
David Martin
Robert Royal
Bo Scaife
LJ Smith
Tony Scheffler
John Carlson
Choose from Rosario, Smith, and Scheffler.
I think Smith could be the dream of this year, in person and has the potential to raise the next level.
Scheffler and Cutler has worked throughout the offseason and everything you can expect great things there.
Rosario had the ball much Delhomme Sunday.
Limit of three and went to Rosario. Delhomme needs a threat to over 2 Steve Smith and proved Sunday.
2. Scheffler
3. Smith
Tony Scheffler
I love collecting LJ Smith. have a good year to start with the injury there wideouts
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